As you may know, students in my class have been receiving (and losing) Class Dojo points this year for various behaviors. Beginning next week, students will be able to redeem those points for a variety of incentives. Following is a list of the incentives available from Mr. Tauser
Bring a toy of stuffed animal to class- 50 points
Wear a hat to class- 50 points
First in line for one day- 70 points
Pick your spot in line for one day- 90 points
Home work pass- 90 points
Lunch with Mr. Tauser and a friend- 110 points
1st in line for one week- 150 points
Lunch outside with Mr. Tauser and a friend- 170 points
Your name included in a Phydeaux the Math Pig Story- 250 points
Mr. Tauser writes a song for you- 250 points
I hope that each student finds some of the incentives appealing. I think saving these points for a reward that a student wants is a great lesson in goal setting and budgeting your resources.
wow! that's cool!