Friday, November 11, 2016

Which Calendar Do you Prefer?

At the moment, the Houston ISD is seeking input from people about the 2017-18 school calendar.   It's cool to see the district listening to the people on this issue that affects so many.  It also gave my math students a great chance to learn about being a member of a community.  We talked about how being a community member sometimes means voicing your opinion about situations.

To highlight this, we took a vote in class after discussing the calendar options.  Here are the results of our poll:

Option A- 16 students
Option B- 38 students
Option C(no preference)- 3 students

It will be interesting to see how the calendar looks when it is finalized.

Sunday, October 30, 2016

A Trick or Treat Surprise

Happy Halloween, students.

If you can follow the clues below and find Mr. Tauser on Halloween night, you will receive a homework pass.  This homework pass will only be good this week.

#1 Mr. Tauser’s house is less than 3 miles from Stevens

#2 Mr. Tauser’s house is less than one mile from Scarborough High School

#3 Mr. Tauser’s house is on a straight street

#4 Mr. Tauser’s front yard has a Magnolia tree in it

#5 Mr. Tauser’s driveway has no cars in it.

#6 Mr. Tauser’s house has 2 windows facing the street.

#7 There are purple flowers in a flower box in front of Mr. Tauser’s house

#8 Mr. Tauser’s house is west of Antoine Drive

#9 Mr. Tauser’s family has a pet turtle

#10 Mr. Tauser’s address has a “6” in the ONES PLACE.

Friday, October 21, 2016

Mr. T Goes to Phydeaux's House of Flowers

Today in math class, we took another trip to Minecraft.  This time, we were joined by Phydeaux the Math Pig.  After the trip, students had a chance to assist Phydeaux by using some of their multiplication skills.

This trip was made possible by Mineday, which is scheduled for Saturday, October 29 at Oak Forest Library.  Mineday is being organized by my 8th grade son as a community service project for school. You can read all the details about the event at this link.

Friday, October 14, 2016

An Experiment Concerning the Location of the Sun

Wednesday, October 12, 5:10 (CDT)

Sunday, October 9, 5:21 (CDT)

Thursday, September 29, 5:30 (CDT)

Thursday, September 15, 5:25 (CDT)

Tuesday, September 6, 5:40 (CDT)

Friday, September 2, 5:30 (CDT)

Sunday, August 28, 2016, 5:30 (CDT)

Thursday, August 25, 2016, 5:45 (CDT)

Tuesday, August 23, 5:40 (CDT)

Sunday, August 21, 5:45 (CDT)

Friday, August 19, 2016, 5:49 pm (CDT)

Saturday, October 1, 2016

The Adventures of Phydeaux the Math Pig


Phydeaux the Math Pig appears regularly in my classroom.  He is a math expert who lives in my neighborhood.  Occasionally, I read students an ADVENTURE OF PHYDEAUX THE MATH PIG. You can read these tales by clicking on the links below.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Let's Play Place Value Hockey

Today at this station, you will be playing a game called Place Value Hockey.  To play this game, please click on this link and choose place values.  Then answer the questions to play the game with a partner.

Friday, September 16, 2016

Mr. T Goes to Minecraft- Episode 1

Today in Math class, we took a trip to Minecraft.  With the help of two middle school students, Mr. T bought a meal at Alice's Restaurant in Math Land, and we learned a little bit about adding and subtracting decimals.

If the video above won't play, here is a link directly to the video on You Tube.

You can see the written guide that the students followed during the trip by clicking on this link.

Sunday, September 11, 2016

How You Can Keep Up With Your Children's Scores

Did you know that you can keep track of your children's scores throughout the year online?

HISD has set up GRADESPEED to make it possible to do this from the comfort or your own home.

Following are links to a presentation that walks you through the steps to sign up for GRADESPEED. I encourage you to use this resource on a regular basis. As a parent of two middle school students, I can attest that this a great tool to know what your kids are doing in class.



Wednesday, September 7, 2016

What Can You Do With Class Dojo Points?

As you may know, students in my class have been receiving (and losing) Class Dojo points this year for various behaviors.  Beginning next week, students will be able to redeem those points for a variety of incentives.  Following is a list of the incentives available from Mr. Tauser

Bring a toy of stuffed animal to class- 50 points
Wear a hat to class- 50 points
First in line for one day- 70 points
Pick your spot in line for one day- 90 points
Home work pass- 90 points
Lunch with Mr. Tauser and a friend- 110 points
1st in line for one week- 150 points
Lunch outside with Mr. Tauser and a friend- 170 points
Your name included in a Phydeaux the Math Pig Story- 250 points
Mr. Tauser writes a song for you- 250 points

I hope that each student finds some of the incentives appealing.  I think saving these points for a reward that a student wants is a great lesson in goal setting and budgeting your resources.

Friday, September 2, 2016

Check out the Ninja Gallery!

All three homerooms have gotten into being Ninjas (the designation at Stevens for silent behavior). However, Ms. Rodriguez's homeroom has taken the ninja activity to a new level.  Several of them have created drawings and art work to help themselves and others remember to be ninjas, when that is appropriate. This work is currently displayed in the ninja gallery(shown above).

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Save Your Box Tops

Keep your eyes open tomorrow for information about Stevens' Box Tops Collection Program.  You can save Box Tops(like the ones above) and help earn money for the school.  Send your BOX TOPS in to Mr. Tauser. Thanks.

Monday, August 29, 2016

We're Studying Decimals (and Money) Tomorrow

On Tuesday, we are going to focus on decimals again.  This time we will be using money as our tool to learn more about how decimals work.  To get students thinking about THE MONEY, we will be watching the video above in class.

Monday, August 29, 2016- Decimals Using pictures

Today in class, we were focusing on how to represent decimals using base ten blocks.  This included a trip to the Smart Board for several students.  You can see the number 4.07 represented above. Tonight's homework involves practicing this skill.

The students did a great job adjusting to the switch this morning.  Thanks for the help with that.

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Be Ready to Switch on Monday

Students in Ms. Rodriguez, Ms. Batson and Mr. Tauser's 4th grade homerooms will be shifting which class they go to first thing in the morning on Monday(August 29).

Ms. Batson's homeroom will begin the day in Mr. Tauser's room.

Ms.Rodriguez's homeroom will begin the day in Ms. Batson's room.

Mr. Tauser's homeroom will begin the day in Ms. Rodriguez's room.

As the day progresses, students will rotate in the same order as they did during week 1

Tauser to Rodriguez to Batson to Tauser

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Astros Attendance in a place value chart

Today we dug into an old Astros Media Guide in hopes of learning a little bit about place value.

What exactly did we do?  We looked at this authentic source to find information about the club's attendance between the years of 2009 and 2012.  After students had found and recorded that information, individuals had a chance to represent those figures in a place value chart on the Smart Board.  Below, you can see examples of all three classes work.

Ms. Batson's Homeroom

Ms. Rodriguez's Homeroom

Mr. Tauser's Homeroom

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Check out this Place Value Chart

We cranked up the Smart Board in class today and used it to talk about Place Value.  You can see above a picture of a place value chart that was filled in by several students who had the courage to go up to the board for the first time this year.

Writing on a Smart Board can be tricky.  As I tell students, it is like learning to write again.  I am confident that over the course of the school year all of us will be become proficient using this technological classroom tool.

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Help Me Pick My First Day of School Tie

I rarely wear a tie.  However, the first day of school (which is on Monday) is a special occasion which merits a necktie.  Having said that, fashion is not my strongest suit, so I am calling on the world of social media to help me decide which tie to wear.  

Pictured above are my two options:

1. a Peanuts-themed Library tie
2. a Dr. Seuss Cat in the Hat tie

If you are interested in helping me celebrate the First Day of School in Style on Monday, please visit my Twitter feed and cast your vote.  Thanks.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Tauser/Batson/Rodriguez are one Fourth Grade Team at Stevens

Stevens will have six 4th grade teachers during the 2016-17 school year.  Half of the students will be spending their instructional day with Mr. Tauser(Math/Science-Room 131), Ms. Batson(Writing-Room 128) and Ms. Rodriguez(Reading-Room 127).

The other three fourth grade teachers are Mr. Walters, Ms. Sommers, and Ms. Allen.  Students will also be instructed by various ancillary teachers during the week.

You can meet your new teacher at Thursday's Meet the Teacher Event.

Monday, August 15, 2016

Mr. Tauser's Prime Directive

It was great to see students back at Friday's Back to School Bash.  My room is coming together for the upcoming school year.  One thing to look for on the wall when you come to class are THE PRIME DIRECTIVES.

I am a fan of STAR TREK.  In STAR TREK, the characters in the show are required to live by a prime directive. This is a guideline to help them be productive and get along with other people that they meet.  My hope is that the PRIME DIRECTIVES in Room 131 will help you be productive and get along with others that you meet.


If you are wondering about what to say to someone or whether or not to help them, think about what they'd like you to do or what would make them feel better. If you're not sure, ask the person what they'd like.


If something bothers you or doesn't seem right, always try to do what you can to fix it.  If a room is messy, straighten it up.  It's all right to complain if you don't like something, but you can take the next step and become part of the solution.


Whether in math class or on the school bus or in the park on the weekend, the world is full of surprises.  Indeed, #youneverknow what might happen next.  Whether a surprise is exciting or disappointing, do your best to go with the flow and keep doing your best every second of the day.


It's great to make a 100 on a test or have perfect attendance for a year.  However, chances are you will fall short a few times as a student.  When you do,  take the chance learn from your mistakes and do better the next time.  You will be better for it.

Monday, August 8, 2016

Back to School Block Party This Friday (August 12)

Stevens Stallions you can get a head start on the new school year at Stevens' Back to School Block Party on August 12.  There will be music, games and more.  You can also pick up your registration packet and beat the rush.

See you on Friday!

WHAT TIME DOES THE EVENT START? (a math challenge to start off the week)

The event ends at 6:30 pm on Friday.  It is scheduled to be one hour long.   Based on this information, what time does the Block Party begin?

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Those Three Infielders are Forming a Triangle

If you listen to Houston Astros baseball on the radio for any length of time, there is an above average chance that you will hear the team's play-by-play announcer Robert Ford say, "Three infielders form a triangle on the right side of the field."  As a math teacher, I always appreciate the inclusion of geometrical terms in a real life situation.  However, Ford's description usually leaves me wanting more details about the specific triangle.

What are the measurements of the triangle's three angles?  What type of triangle is it?  What is the perimeter of the trianagle?

Here's a math idea for you if you are a baseball fan: The next time you watch a game on television or in person, look for triangles that the players form when they are in defensive position.  Please note that any three players will almost always form a triangle unless they are in a straight line, like we see in the picture below.


Below you will find a description of different triangles you might see at the ballpark.  Happy triangle hunting.

An equilateral triangle is a triangle in which all three sides are equal in length.  In addition, the measure of each angle is 60 degrees.

An isosceles triangle is a triangle in which two sides are of equal length.


A right triangle is a triangle in which one of the angles is a 90 degree angle (Right Angle)


An acute triangle is a triangle in which the measure of all three angles is less than 90 degrees- all three angles are acute angles.


An obtuse triangle is a triangle in which the measure of one angle is more than 90 degrees (an obtuse angle.)

A scalene triangle is a triangle in which the length of all three sides is unequal.

BONUS POINTS to anyone who shows me a picture of baseball players forming a triangle.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Two Counties, 28 Days, 22.3 Miles... Destination Reached

Just in case your wondering, I made it to Constellation Field.  With one mile on Monday afternoon, I reached my goal of 22.3 miles (the distance from Stevens Elementary to Constellation Field).
Thanks for following my journey.

Monday, July 4, 2016

Just One Mile to Go

I was able to make a few more "walks" over the weekend bringing my total distance covered to 22.3 miles.  So, here I sit on the 4th of July just one mile away from my final destination, Constellation Field.  I will update you tomorrow on my last day.

Friday, July 1, 2016

I've Reached the Final Four (Miles to Constellation Field)

We have reached July, and my walk from Stevens Elementary School to Constellation Field in Sugar Land is about 4 miles from its end. With four days to complete my goal, I have "walked" 18.19 miles. The entire trip is 22.3 miles.  

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Six Days to Go to Constellation Field

After Tuesday, I have gone 16.13 miles on my ellipitcal walk from Stevens to Constellation Field. That leaves me with 6 and 17 hundredths of a mile to "walk" by the end of July 4.  I just passed under Beltway 8 on the Southwest Freeway frontage road.

Monday, June 27, 2016

Eight Days to Go to Constellation Field

I covered more ground over the weekend on my walk to Constellation Field.  My total distance covered through Sunday is 14.07 miles.  Near the end of the weekend, I passed the studios of KPRC, Channel 2 in Houston.

Now, I have only 8.23 miles left to cover and eight days.  Based on my calculations below, I need to go 1.03 miles each day(including the 4th of July) to make it to my destination by my deadline.

I hope I can make it.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

I'm Halfway There

I walked 1.24 miles on Wednesday.  This distance brought my total to 11.41 miles.

The total distance from Stevens Elementary to Constellation Field is 22.3 miles.  One half of this total is 11.15 miles.  Having said that, I am just a little bit more than halfway to the finish.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

I'm in Double Digits

After a few days off, I got back to walking on Tuesday.  My 1.14 mile jaunt brought me to a total of 10.17 miles.  This total puts me near the intersection of Highway 59 and Westpark Drive.  I passed Houston Premium Motorcars near the end of the "walk".

Friday, June 17, 2016

I've Got Nine Miles Behind Me

I was able to get some walking in on Thursday when I put in 1.3 miles.  That distance put my total at 9.03 miles.  That distance puts me near a Dave and Buster's on Fountainview near Richmond.  I can see Highway 59 just down the road.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Only 14.54 miles to Go

Two more days of walking on Monday and Tuesday took me to a spot a little bit west of the Galleria(pictured above).  How much farther do I have to go to make it to Constellation Field?  That is a great question.  

I have now completed 7.76 miles.  The total distance to Constellation Field  is 22.3 miles.  Based on the calculations shown above, I have 14.54 miles left on my "journey".  Thanks for following along.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Another Day, Another 1.32 miles

I walked another 1.32 miles on Monday.  Not much to report although I did pass by the Houston Arboretum.  Have you ever been there?

Monday, June 13, 2016

The Walk to Constellation Field Passes the Five Mile Marq'e

I was able to go walking on Friday and Sunday .  On Sunday's leg, I "passed" the Marq'e Cinema near I-10 and Silber.  Have you ever seen a movie there?

As you can see below, the two days took me past the five mile mark for the trip with about three weeks to go.

Friday, June 10, 2016

One Step at a Time, The Walk Continues

I got back on the road Thursday, going 1.22 miles (one AND 22 hundredths miles).

Combined with Tuesday's distance of 1.32 miles, I have now covered 2.54 miles on my trip from Stevens Elementary to Constellation Field in Sugar Land.

Fittingly, the distance of Thursday's "walk" brought me to the Hattie Mae White Building.  This building is the headquarters of the Houston ISD.